*listă nesfârșită de beri și păreri
Pentru o serie de motive listate mai jos, care includ cuvinte ca ”eroi”, ”vară” ”fotbal” sau ”festival”, am început și o să tot adaug acestei liste de beri artizanale, normale și în general de tăt felu. Pentru ca să nu rămână doar în telefon pozele și ca să îmi aduc aminte și ce mi-a plăcut (sau nu).
Din România și din alte țări, cam asta ar fi lista în #cuvinteetc de beri.
Așa cum ziceam, merge o listă de beri, nu numai în meniu, dar și așa, ca recomandări, pentru că …
-vară și festivaluri
Tot mai multă vară și tot mai multe festivaluri. A crescut cam de 3 ori interesul pentru cuvintele astea conform Google trends. Piața de bere artizanală din România se află într-o creștere semnificativă din 2018. Conform Modernbuyer, și raportului de analiză a datelor scanate de RetailZoom, creșterea a fost semnificativă.
Procentual, berile craft românești ocupă circa 10-15% din spațiile dedicate berii în retailul modern. Și la o căutare de ”festival bere” găsești mai mult decât poți plănui în orice oraș din țară. De festivaluri nu ducem lipsă, mai ales că această creștere pe segmentul craft înseamnă că avem și festivaluri dedicate.
Între 6 și 9 iunie 2019, Clujul a adus pe Aleea Stadion Festivalul Beer Crafters 2019.Din 40 de sortimente, am reușit să bem un incredibil abominabil număr de …6. O să apară și ele mai jos. Și aud că se pregătește un nou festival de bere craft – Cluj Craft Beer Festival – între 11-14 iulie în Iulius Parc.
Națională Avem fotbal de urmărit, și tenis și handbal și baschet, că avem echipe (iar, poate, sper) așa că o bere rece merge la TV sau la terasă. Merge cu vara și cu sentimentul că tu te relaxezi cât alții luptă.
Dar e irelevant dacă citești asta în 2020, așa că trec la lista de beri, păreri și recomandări.
Bere artizanala, beri normale, beri de gust
*Craft beers, normal beers, beers from Romania and around the world*
– in english from here on, to be of more use –
Type: Blonde beer/pale ale
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4,4% vol.
Manufacturer: Bere din Bucovina
What SHE thinks: Go get me another one. So refreshing, get one too at the next beer festival.
What HE thinks: Nice color and the right amount of bitterness, with a very good price.
Type: Superior pale ale
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4,6% vol
Manufacturer: Bere din Bucovina
What SHE thinks: Stronger than the one above, the taste is still what you expect from a good cold beer. Look for them in Cluj and at the beer festivals.
What HE thinks: Old-school beer, looks and tastes so good that it’s what you need in a hot day.
Type: Pale ale
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4,8% vol.
Manufacturer: Bere din Bucovina
What SHE thinks: I think you realized by now that we tried all their beers because they were soooo gooood.
What HE thinks: I agree, even the guy asking me where did I get them cause the color looks so good agrees.
Type: Superior Pale ale
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5,2% vol.
Manufacturer: Bere din Bucovina
What SHE thinks: Named after the factory producing it, it’s the strongest in the lot and a little to much for me, even with some food to accompany it.
What HE thinks: It’s potent, strong and refreshing and it was worth the waiting in line. The price, the quantity and the taste make it a strong contestant in every craft beer festival or place in Romania.
Type: Mint flavored beer
Quantity: 0,4 L
Alc.: 2,5% vol.
Manufacturer: Klausen Burger Cluj-Napoca
What SHE thinks: It looks so pretty, this is what I want to drink! After: the mint is a little too strong and gives the beer a bitter aftertaste. I didn’t get to finish it. I also tried the vanilla flavored one and it’s very very sweet. Worth a try, but not a recurring order from me.
What HE thinks: No thanks.
Type: India pale ale – IPA-OPIUM
Quantity: 0,33 L
Alc.: 6.50% vol
Manufacturer: Hophead Brewing Cluj-Napoca
What SHE thinks: Smells so special, like no other beer I tasted. Like pine and citrus. The taste is also filled with fruity and plant nuances. Strange taste for a beer (for me) but the flavor and the smell makes a „try it once” choice.
What HE thinks: Umm..I prefer mine.
Type: Czech pale lager – Pilsner Urquell
Quantity: 0,33 L
Alc.: 4.4% vol
Manufacturer: Pilsnerurquell and imported by Ursus Breweries
What SHE thinks: It’s a classic and much like one of my favorites – Heineken – it goes well with food, entertainment, nights out and festivals. Smooth and uncomplicated, it’s not for nothing that it’s the world’s first pale ale and has a history. Funt fact: it changes the way we drink beer by introducing the glass instead of the ceramic cups, because they said, it’s a beer worth seeing.
What HE thinks: Mhm, mhm (*busy drinking it*).
Honey Dew
Type: UK’s best-selling organic beer, golden ale
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5% vol
Manufacturer: fullers.co.uk
What SHE thinks: Honey is misleading, because it’s not sweet, but the aftertaste is honey all and all.
What HE thinks: Just to give it a try.
Augustiner Lagerbier Hell
Type: Bere germană, nepasteurizată, blondă
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5.2% vol
Manufacturer: Augustiner
What SHE thinks: Too strong for me, with a pronounced bitterness, it has the right colour but I’ll skip next time.
What HE thinks: Good stuff!
Nenea Iancu
Type: albă nefiltrată, pale ale
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4.9% vol
Manufacturer: berărianeneaiancu.ro
What SHE thinks: Just to be clear from now on, I`ll compare all my fruity bears to IPA from CIUC, because it’s my choice as a beer when I have one. This is not so sweet and the aftertaste is not bitter, it’s sour almost.
What HE thinks: Let’s get back to lagers…
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4.5% vol
Manufacturer: oldmoutcider.co.uk
What SHE thinks: Let’s just make this our „champagne” for the next year or so, ok?
What HE thinks: Ok.
And it did become the champagne for 2 or 3 occasions because it tastes like one, a sweet one with lots of bubbles.
Budweiser Budvar
Type: pale lager Czech beer
Quantity: 0,33 L
Alc.: 5% vol
What SHE thinks: Just look at that colour, it’s like the sun takes a dip into a lake and stays just enough for the party. It’s balanced and a little bitter and just so enjoyable.
What HE thinks: Yup, let’s get another, told you it’s great!
Grimbergen Double-Ambrée
Type: Belgian monastery amber beer
Quantity: 0,33 L
Alc.: 6.5% vol
Manufacturer: grimbergenbeer.com
What SHE thinks: Must have in a pub if you find it and you eat something pork or sweet or both, like ribs. The caramel and the fruity notes make it a special occasion, so it’s worth a try.
What HE thinks: Good to have tasted it, abbey beers are something else!
Trappistes Rochefort 10
Type: Belgian monastery dark brown beer
Quantity: 0,33 L
Alc.: 11.3% vol
Manufacturer: Abbaye Notre-Dame de Saint-Rémy – Brasserie Rochefort
What SHE thinks: Smells like wine and tastes like wine with bubbles. Prunes aftertaste, so much stronger than I can take.
What HE thinks: Also goos to have as champagne.
La Trappe
Type: dutch dark Trappist ale
Quantity: 0,33 L
Alc.: 7% vol
Manufacturer: latrappetrappist.com
What SHE thinks: Fruity and with a bitter sweet aftertaste, it’s great with something full to eat, like beef. And it has a great color, so makes for a perfect thing to try once or twice when you find it.
What HE thinks: I read it has some awards. Yup, good beer.
Maccabee 7.9%
Type: Strong Golden Lager
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 7.9% vol
Manufacturer: Tempo Beer Industries LTD Israel
What SHE thinks: Cool golden color and a not very impressive taste, something classic with a little more kick.
What HE thinks: It works for a night of family games.
Steam German Red
Type: German red beer
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 7.9% vol
Manufacturer: steam-brew.com
What SHE thinks: Way too strong for me, sorry I forgot to take a pic after I poured it into the glass, because the red color is impressive. The bitterness can’t be ignored and the reason we picked it out was the steampunk can.
What HE thinks: Interesting for trying a german red once, not my cuppa.
Steam Imperial Ipa
Type: German India Pale Ale
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 7.8% vol
Manufacturer: steam-brew.com
What SHE thinks: The can and also the IPA tag made me buy it, and once poured the color will charm you, but it’s still too strong and bitter for me.
What HE thinks: The other one was better.
Efes Draft
Type: Turkish premium pale lager
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5% vol
Manufacturer: Anadolu Efes
What SHE thinks: Refreshing and light, it can go a long way on a summer day. Nothing special but the classic beer you’ll have and not say No.
What HE thinks: Pretty classic, I guess.
Csiki Barna Tiltott
Type: dark german bock
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 7% vol
Manufacturer: csikisor.hu
What SHE thinks: The honey one is very good, but this too has a color, smell, and taste to go well with a very good meal.
What HE thinks: I like dark beers and this one is good.
Type: Czech-style lager
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5% vol
Manufacturer: primator.cz
What SHE thinks: Czech beer, need I say more? It’s balanced and perfect served cold and not very strong and with the caramel tang to it.
What HE thinks: Czech style beers are never a miss, or never have we discovered one.
Hobgoblin Ruby
Type: English strong Beer
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5,2% vol
Manufacturer: wychwood.co.uk
What SHE thinks: The color is great and the taste is premium, with chocolate and fruits invading your mouth and all kinds of aromas coming and going. To try for sure.
What HE thinks: I’m always one for exploring new beers and this one has a nice promise of newness worth exploring.
Paulaner Salvator doppelbock
Type: german double bock
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 7.9% vol
Manufacturer: paulaner
What SHE thinks: Tastes like chocolate
What HE thinks: To be had again, subtle taste and tasting like a monk made beer, can’t be bad. Will be in our hands again.
Greene king ipa
Type: UK Bury St Edmunds brewery
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5% vol
Manufacturer: .greeneking.co.uk
What SHE thinks: A little too bitter for me, the all-natural ingredients sound nice and it’s an award winner too, so try it out. ( Gold Monde Award)
TNR Bucuresti
Type: romanian craft lager
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4,5% vol
The opinion: kind of soft when you taste it, and a harsh aftertaste
Check out the creators and their satire here> timesnewroman.ro
Type: belgian blonde abbey ale
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5.0% vol
Manufacturer: paulaner
The opinion> higher in alcohol than the regular Pilsner, with a vanilla aftertaste, it has a great colour and kick to it.
Hacker Pschorr natur
Type: german lemon kellerbier
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 0 vol
Manufacturer: ww.hacker-pschorr.com
What SHE thinks: One of the best lemon biers I tried. Soft and light, it doesn’t have the same gut-wrenching kick as the Romanian beers.
Hacker Pschorr muncher hell
Type: helles german lager
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4.9% vol
Manufacturer: ww.hacker-ps
Opinion> A superstar at Oktoberfests, it’s a great balanced beer with a nice smell and a soft taste. it flows easily for the amount of alcohol it has and it works both for him and her.
Warteiner Premium pilsener
Type: german pilsener
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4.8% vol
Manufacturer: https://www.warsteiner.com/
The opinion: Ranked in top 3 for us, it’s pretty strong at the start and then the flavors kick in and you want more.
Type: german pilsener
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4.9% vol
Preferred by the local shopkeeper at maxvombier Cluj.
The opinion: Strong and bitter, it really packs a punch. It has a rich history, the water used to make it coming from the same well for the last 100 years.
Westmalle Trappist Dubbel
Type: belgian red beer
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 7% vol
Price> under 2 euros
The general opinion> Will not try again, but with it for the experience and the dark aroma of chocolate and coffee. Too much of an alcoholic aftertaste, but then again, at 7% vol. it’s to be expected.
Type: german smoked beer
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5.4% vol
Price> under 2 euros
The general opinion> A nice thing to try to experience the classic example of a smoked beer. It has a rich taste and it’a a would drink again, but the story is epic, set in Bamberg, the World Cultural Heritage (UNESCO) in the heart of Franconia. Read here> https://www.schlenkerla.de/indexe.html
Monchshof original
: german blonde pils
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 4.9% vol
Price> under 2 euros
The general opinion> A 3 out of 5, it’s worth a repeat experience and with it’s aery taste and kick in the middle can be a favourite for many.
Read more here> https://www.xn--mnchshof-n4a.de/en/speciality-beers/original/more/details/mehr/feines-original.html
Bischofshof Original Festbier
Type : german blonde lager
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5.4% vol
Price> under 2 euros
The general opinion> A 4 out of 5, it’s right there with all your dreams about Oktoberfest. Hence the name. It’s light and balanced, with an aftertaste of hop and a beautiful golden colour. Check it out at your local market. And read more about it> https://www.bischofshof.de/unsere-biere/#auszeichnungen
Allgaeuer Bueble
Type : german blonde buble bier
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5.5% vol
Price> under 2 euros
The general opinion> We would try again. THE MOUNTAIN BREW FROM THE ALPS, it says, a 1394 beer with fine colour and a light first impression with vanilla subtones, that becomes stronger towards the end. The story it holds is great and here’s a part> In a time before bottled beer, when most local pubs did their own brewing, a father would send his son – the ‘büble’ – down to the local tavern with a big mug to be filled with beer and brought straight home. As the story goes, the boy would get a little taste on his way back and refill the mug with well water so that the father wouldn’t notice.*„ Read more here> https://www.deutschesbier.com/allgaeuer-bueble/
Hofbrau Original
Type : german lager
Quantity: 0,5 L
Alc.: 5.1% vol
Price> under 2 euros
The general opinion> From Munchen comes a bavarian sign of hospitality. A bottom-fermented beer with a sunny colour, ready for any beer festival because it pairs with sausage and cheese, salads, roast pork, pasta and steamed fish. Find out more> https://www.hofbraeu-muenchen.de/en/beer/hofbrau-original
To be continued
PS: Dacă deții un brand sau lucrezi la o bere artizanală și ea nu se regăsește aici, trimite o poză și o mică descriere+unde se găsește și o trec, până ajung să o gust.
Fiți buni, bine și cu minte!
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