Some days I’m so hungry I eat every thought
And feeling and noise and smell
Like the comforting purr of the cat
Its fluffy belly and your scent after you
Left the house.
Waves of it converge inside me
The light, the faint impression you’ll text me
Just as I look at the screen,
The back to school days déjà vu
And the feeling I get when I dream
I’ve been where I’ve never been.
Some days I’m full but I don’t stop,
Taking in the dusty book cover and the
Smell of fabric softener, reminding me of home,
Your dimple and my happy days
All converging into one.
I’m full, I’m bursting, knees to chest
To keep inside the whole,
Dwarfing my height, cradled in yellow,
I paint my smiley face, memories sizzling
Underneath the skin,
When in those hungry days of autumn
I am the Sun.
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