There are over 10 types of tickets to choose for Tomorrowland. Let’s talk about them.
One of the best music festivals in the world, Tomorrowland is SOLD OUT every year. It’s preferred for the amazing scene designs, the special friendship atmosphere and the reputation. And of course for the 18 stages and 600 DJ that attend. After we attended this year, here’s a description of each ticket and how you can get Tomorrowland Tickets guaranteed. Considering we tried for 2 years and failed, this year was special.
So here are the types of tickets, to know what to buy next year, when the edition will probably be a special one.
Tomorrowland Tickets – how many, when is the sale and what types of tickets there are.
You can choose from:
- Option 1: These are tickets for all 3 days. Prices vary between 295 euro and 589 euro in 2023. All sold out as of March 2023.
- Full Madness Passes
- Full Madness Comfort Passes – these are VIP
2. Option 2: These are Day passes and all of them can be just simple access passes or Pleasure or Comfort passes. Prices vary between 125 euro and 231 euro in 2023. All sold out as of February 2023.
- Magical Friday Day Pass
- Incredible Saturday Day Pass
- Glorious Sunday Day Pass
All can be:
- Pleasure day passes – Access to Tomorrowland + access to all Comfort Area’s except Mainstage Comfort Area for 1 day.
- Comfort Day Pass – Access to Tomorrowland + access to all Comfort Area’s for 1 day.
ADD to the ticket of Tomorrowland: ACCOMMODATION
If you want accommodation for the Tomorrowland festival, there are 7 options, 6 inside the festival and 1 at hotels in either Brussels of Antwerp.
1. Global Journey Hotel Package – you stay in a Hostel, a Bronze, a Silver or Gold Hotel, a Theme Hotel or a Concept Hotel in Brussels (1.5 hours away from the festival). A shuttle takes you there and back every day.
While all hotels offer a Tomorrowland Newspaper in the morning, the Theme Hotel also has Barbers, hairdressers and make-up artist on every festival day, and a midnight snack after every Tomorrowland day. Prices for these tickets, including Global Journey Hotel Package and a Full Madness Pass for 3 days start at 600 euro and can pass 3000 euro. A Silver Hotel room and 2 Passes cost 1900 euro.
2. MAGNIFICENT GREENS – campsite for your own tent and camping gear, to the right of the map and farthest from the festival entrance in the left of the map above. Prices from 370 euro to 678 euro, for the comfort ticket.
3. CAMP2CAMP 2P package – all camping gear and tents are available for you. Prices are for 2 people, from 973 euro to 1589 euro. Full Madness Passses included. The area on the map is to the left of the 2 red areas in the middle of the map.
4. Friendship GARDEN – a package for 10 people, a little garden area and 1 shelter, and you bring your own camping gear. The prices start at 4240 euro and go up to 5646 euro if you want a locker and 10 chairs. The area is left on the map, next to the red, purple and green zones in the left.
5. EASY TENT AREA – gives you a place to pitch your tent. The tent and a mattress are provided, as well as a sleeping bag, a might light, mirror and a lock for the tent. The price for 2 is from 1075 euro to 2121 euro for the supreme tent. The area on the map is the one left of the road in the left. The black, red and black zones above and to the left.
6. Montagoe Packages – provides a luxurious tent with a matress and bed sheets, swimming pool and restaurants. A relax room in this Montagoe area is 1868 euro (includes 2 people), while a cabin called Ensuite is starting at 4547 euro, up to 5200 for the Comfort Passes. The area on the map is in the left, closest to the festival Entry.
7. Mousai Area – the ultimate experience in luxury, it’s like a hotel, with staff and battles resvive, massages and other cool stuff. But the prices you can find on request. 🙂
Also, you can chose to do a special trip to Tomorrowland, with one of the SPECIAL TRAVEL Packages.
- Train Package – get there by train with other people ready to party, from France, Germany, Netherlands and UK.
- Flight Package- unique flights to and from Brussels
- Buss Packages – travel by bus from France, Germany, Netherlands, UK< Luxenbourg, Denmark.
- A Discover Europe Package, that includes hotels and tours in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Prague, Ibiza, Paris and then transport to Brussels.
- A Discover Belgium Package starting the Monday of the festival with visits to Antwerp, Bruges, Brussels, Ghent.
- A Suprise package that gets you a Dreamville accommodation and surprises every day.
- A DJ Academy Hotel package – that you choose if you want a week full of DJ’ing and producing, inspirational sessions with industry experts, networking, tips & tricks and many more.
- A Friendship travel Package, for a group, and you can choose B&B’s just for you.
ADD to the ticket of Tomorrowland: lockers (20 euro), restaurant reservations, shuttles, parking, the book The Rise of Adscendo
The theme for Tomorrowland 2023 was ADSCENDO. And the book they released tells you more. It’s a fantasy novel about a girl from a guild that has adventures in the sky, from her city of Arcadiana. The 5 guilds in the city are> the Birdsingers, the Windriders, the Ateliers, the Weavers, and the Labourers.
The stage this year tried to emulate this theme, with a main stage as a floating city, with the bird as a mascot and flight as a theme, waterfalls and balloons.
On the previous years, Tomorrowland had themes as>
Masker 2009
Zon in 2010
2017 – ‘Amicorum Spectaculum’ one of the most beautiful themes
And each year, they say there are hidden clues for the next year theme. So far, the speculations include a remix/revamp of the Amicorum or a LUNAR/PLANETS theme.
You can check out the tickets and other information about Tomorrowland on their site or here, a great site for all the worlds festivals:
The steps to buying a Tomorrowland ticket are>
- you have to have an account with a real email and full name and details on https://www.tomorrowland.com/
- each year in January there is a registration, and there is a special sale for the first 20 people who register in every country and you will be announced if you made the hundred
- again in January there is a special SALE, for the people who own a NFT Medalion. (3 NFT=1 Medalion) The upside is you get to have the most chances to get a ticket. According to Tomorrowland, you can use this Medalion every year to have the chance to buy a ticket before the whole world. There are only 5000 NFT. And at the festival there a few cool things to do for this community especially.
- then start the Global Journey packages, you can only buy Globa Journey tickets (hotel, train, plane etc)
- and lastly the Global Ticket Sale, that solds out in minutes (tents, montagoe, friendship etc)
Tomorrowland in numbers:
- the first edition was in 2015
- the crowd was 8700 people
- in 2023, there will be 600.000 people from 200 countries
- On Saturday 7 April, 2012, 2 million people worldwide were ready for one of the 100,000 tickets offered, the definitive international breakthrough of Tomorrowland.
- the festival is sold out in a couple of weeks every year
- there are 600 DJ’s playing in 2023
- the tickets in the Glabal sale were sold in 10 minutes in February
Be brave and take a step inside one of the holly grounds of music! Live today, Love tomorrow, unite forever!
Safe travels,
The GALs, Catalina&Florin
”We’re a couple in love with travel and research. We hope to give you some good tips from experience so that you can have the best of times.”
Decide on a trip to Tomorrowland with these essentials:
- A special dress, bag, or shawl or beautiful fan from here.
- A special dry body oil made for glamourous feelings, by the French from Nuxe.
- A raincoat like this one, because it’s Belgium and it can rain cats and dogs.
- Special cool boots like these.
- A special dress for a festival fairy look.
Legal disclosure: *These links are affiliate links. If you buy a product through these links, we get a small share of the price (without the product being more expensive for you). It’s up to you if you use them, thank you for reading!
More pics on
Instagram – click here.
And a video from The Invited Brussels Party, for all the Pass Holders in Global Journey.