*reading time: 3 min
There are always those two ways to rate a book.
Consider the writing style and all the narrative parameters and where the book stands in the genre, and then there’s the simple consideration of you not being able to put it down. And every hour into the night and well past the reasonable shut eye deadline makes the rating go higher.
This mystery book is rated by the second scale.
The Snowman by Jo Nesbø
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
It had me as hooked as one of the scenes it describes toward the end, in a quite gruesome way. I started reading it after I saw the movie and there’s no comparison there, because it’s much better, confirming once again the old saying. The MC detective is just the right amount of broken and obsessed to be that good at his job and the reasoning behind every clue, interrogation and action is well described and followed. There wasn’t much of a mystery with me seeing the movie as to whom the killer might be, but that was fine by me. The fact that I still devoured the pages knowing the who done it it’s a plus.
But I guess that for a new reader, it will give all the nice clues and curiosity necessary to finish it.
The story follows three pasts and the present and the little changes of perspective and the way the same phrases are twisted and repeated by different characters and some questions answered in separate paragraphs makes for a nice composition.
It’s a well spent reading time for those who enjoy a not so light mystery book. And even if it’s the seventh in the series, I never felt like I was missing bits and pieces in character building.
The book’s ending has a nice twist to nudge you into the next, but it’s not so definitive as to feel you’ll miss out. And for the moment I don’t think I’ll pick up on the series, but I’m glad I got to know the writer, the work, and the detective Harry Hole.
View all my reviews
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