Treasured by locals, discovered by the world, made home by royalty and preserved as UNESCO heritage, here are some tips and tricks to enjoy the best of Transylvanian Saxon Village.
Saxon Villages Transylvania: 10 reasons to visit
more pics on my Instagram
1. Come for all the pretty places to stay in, with all the history behind them (our choice – Dominic Boutique Cloașterf, an old reconverted house with 4 cottages, a place there you can enjoy some traditional eco tourism).
2. Either one you chose, you are close to all the others, and you can take pleasant trips (by car or bike) to them. (the road from Meşendorf to Bunești is a dream).
3. Visit Sashiz for the fortified church, the food from the place next door, the tea and cookies from @tei.teehaus and all the sweets from @pivnitabunicii a local jams and souces producer.
4. Visit Bierthan, a 1224 settlement with a beautiful fortress and museum, old wooden stair and crammed nooks and passages. And beautiful views of course.
5. Enjoy the colorfully houses and the silence, in Viscri, Meșendorf or Bunești, Alma Vii or Criț.
6. Take a peek at the outside of Prince Charles residence in Viscri and dine like nobility in one of Viscri’s restaurants (Viscri 32 White Barn and Blue House, If gufo reale or Viscri 38).
7. Climb up the medieval fortress of Rupea and take in the views, trying to understand how could anyone fight against them (they really had the higher ground)
8. Get inside all the churches and try to take in the small details each has, contemplate and enjoy these Unesco world heritage sites.
9. Stop the wheel and take a walk. Descover Via Transilvanica as it passes by some of the villages and just relax, letting yourself be alarmed for dawn by the roosters.
10. Enjoy some local food and bathe in nature. 🤤
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The Gals (Catalina & Florin)
”We’re a couple in love with travel and research. We hope to give you some good tips from experience so that you can have the best of times.”
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