Mâna sus cine a văzut imaginea asta măcar 1 dată. Da, știu că toți o știți. Ne-a vrăjit timp de ani întregi, ne-a făcut să ne dorim să fim acolo și să simțim aproape în dinți, ca vata de zahăr,
Oktoberfest, sărbătoarea mai mare decât orice festival de muzică
Am crezut că nu o să îmi placă, am crezut că va fi prea aglomerat și clar prea plin de bere pentru cât beau eu. Și am crezut că doar în doi va fi ciudat. Dar a fost… the best
Munchen, o plimbare printr-un oras cu propriul festival de renume mondial
Vă recomand Munchen pentru o escapadă în 2024 pentru mai mult de 1 motiv. Și anume: România o să joace acolo la Euro, moment așteptat de sute de ani 🙂 e un oraș superb cu sute de ani de tradiție
Colmar și orașelele de turtă dulce
Colmar, cu farmecul lui de oraș de turtă dulce, era pe lista noastră de obiective demult. Pentru că ne plac casele vechi și senzația de poveste pe care ți-o dau când stai în mijlocul lor. Ce să fac, tot visez
Tomorrowland Festival Explained: Tomorrowland Global Journey Package price and opinion
Tomorrowland is SOLD OUT every year. There are 10 types of tickets to choose from for Tomorrowland, from the regular 3-day pass to packages with trips and camping or plane. I talk about them in another blog, here. In this
O excursie in Bruges: mai putin deprimanta decat ma asteptam
De ce spun DEPRIMANT? Nu ai vazut, ca noi, filmul In Bruges? Filmul e super amuzant in umorul lui negru si deprimant si pot spune ca Bruges e la fel: o comoara. Orasul este descris in film ca plin de
Istanbul: ce e de vizitat si de mancat in capitala pisicilor
Recunosc ca am ajuns la Istanbul doar din intamplare cumva, nu pentru ca era pe ceva lista. Si nu pentru ca am vrut sa facem cumparaturi, adica una dintre activitatile principale din oras. Dar a devenit o surpriza si o
Vacanta in Antalya: Pareri Resort Side Royal Style
Dupa experienta de resort din Grecia, despre care puteti citi aici, am ales si Turcia. Pentru ca am auzit multe pareri pozitive si mai ales descrieri de genul ”Ultra All Inclusive specific in Turcia e la alt nivel”. Asadar, printr-o
Destination Review – Sighisoara, Romania
A UNESCO World Heritage destination in Romania, the medieval town of Sighisoara is a beautiful little gem. Until 2020 it held an annual medieval festival and this worldwide celebrated quaint town takes you back to ages long gone. Still, even
Strasbourg, orașul cu o mică Franța în inimă
Strasbourg este un oraș pe trei niveluri. Asta am descoperit cât ne-am plimbat prin el, într-o minunată lună iulie. De la foarte vechi, la nou și apoi la modern, Strasbourg nu degeaba este vizitat de 10 milioane de oameni pe
Tomorrowland Tickets explained: how to get them and what to expect
There are over 10 types of tickets to choose for Tomorrowland. Let’s talk about them. One of the best music festivals in the world, Tomorrowland is SOLD OUT every year. It’s preferred for the amazing scene designs, the special friendship
Ce sa vezi in Roma: locatii mai inedite, dar si clasicele atractii
O fi la noi ceva nebunie, dar ne-am dorit sa bifam cateva capitale din Europa in scurt timp si pe langa Berna, Paris, Madrid, Budapesta, Viena, Zagreb, am ajuns si la Eterna Roma. Mare parte din oras e in UNESCO
Formula 1 pe Hungaroring – sfaturi pentru cine vrea sa mearga la F1
Povestea noastră de dragoste cu F1 este la fel de veche ca și relatia noastra. De acum 20 de ani, de când ne-am cunoscut, am început să urmărim în mod regulat împreună Formula 1, ca un ritual de duminică. El
10 lucruri pe care sa le faci in Monaco
Am ajuns in Monaco prima data pe la 20 de ani. Si in loc sa mergem cu grupul la gradinile vestite, am plecat de capul nostru sa vedem tunelul de pe circuitul de F1. Da, fiecare dintre noi avem piticii
Cabana A frame: de inchiriat pentru o relaxare cu priveliste
In Europa, in vechime, se numeau cruck frame sau grubenhaus (case in groapa). In Japonia, Chian si sau Polynesia se construiau de asemenea pentru simplitatea asamblarii si polivalenta la diferite intemperii. Dar in anii 1950, s-a construit prima cabana A
Nisa, un city break la mare si la munte
Asa e ca ti-ai dori sa mergi intr-un oras in care iarna e placuta si vara nu arzi? Cu munti pentru drumetii si mare pentru inotat, orasul asta exista. E pe Coasta de Azur, in 15 minute cu tramvaiul (1,5
Ce e de vazut in Basel: top 10 obiective turistice
Am crezut ca Berna va fi atractia calatoriei in Elvetia pentru un city break, dar am ajuns sa regretam ca nu am alocat mai mult timp pentru Basel. Il includem pe lista de orase mici si suprinzatoare. pentru ca ai
Egypt Nile Cruise Review: 10 Things you will see in this Vacation
Egypt is a desired destination for any history buff. This was a travel company package we contracted through a Romanian agency, because it’s hard to make the trip alone in Egypt, or so we read. Unlike our city breaks and
Croatia Travel Guide: 10 days by car itinerary recommendations
A beautiful country you imagine in tones of azure, Croatia has a lot going for it. It was a semifinalist in the World Football Championship, it has the euro as a national coin, it has roman and ottoman influences, and
Bern Itinerary: Things to Do in Bern, Switzerland’s capital
Another capital in Europe you have to visit is Bern. We wrote about Paris, Madrid, Budapest, Viena, Zagreb. Now try another UNESCO World Heritage site in the Old Town of Bern. If you love shopping streets and covered sidewalks, here
How to Visit Jungfraujoch – Top of Europe in Switzerland: 10 steps and Must do Activities
Switzerland often looks like the perfect example of heaven, the place where the elves live or the promised land where cows give instant milk chocolate. The grass is greener there, the lakes and rivers bluer and the cute marmots are
Our trip to 3 German Christmas Markets: Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Koln/Cologne
We wanted to see what the German Christmas markets have to impress the eyes and the taste buds. And here is our Top 15 things to do, eat and explore in 3 German Christmas Markets: Dortmund, Dusseldorf, Koln/Cologne
Plitvice lakes Croatia: Places to visit once in a lifetime
Once in Croatia, either for the history or the amazing Adriatic sea, you must take a day for this special destination: Plitvice National Park. For the nature, for the beautiful blue colours and the all the WATTERFALLS. Responsible for the
My trip to Zagreb: 10 Must Do Activities and Sights
Zagreb is a lot smaller compared to other capitals, like Paris, Madrid, Vienna or Budapest. But also, it has its unique kind of charm. And quirks. Here is why one of the oldest cities in Europe (dating back to 1094)
Destination Review – Fisherman’s Colibita
Almost three hours away from Cluj you can choose a place to relax and enjoy the misty mountains overlooking a lake. The Lake is Colibita and the views are amazing. The Resort…let’s see: It currently has 45 rooms, at a
How to spend 3 days in Vienna: 10 Must Do activities
Vienna gets across an image of culture and class. Just knowing it was the capital of an empire can speak volumes of the status it must maintain. And it does. From the way it is built to the way it
City Break Ljubljana: 10 Must Do Activities and Sights
Ljubljana was a complete surprise. From its legends to the delicious traditional dishes, it was the perfect stay for a lover of history, food, and walking. Here are a few things you should consider doing while in the capital of
How to spend 4 days in Paris: 4 steps and 10 Must Do Activities
Paris was never on our list. It might be on yours, so consider yourself lucky. We were a little biased, because of the glitz and the oversaturated love stories about it. We thought it to be … overrated. Well, our
O mică ieșire din Cluj – recenzie de restaurant
Ai chef de ceva bun dar nu știi încotro să o iei în Cluj? Dacă presimți, așa cum și eu presimt, că mâine dimineață te vei întreba sau îți vei întreba jumătatea/prietenii CE FACEM AZI Uite o recomandare, de o
Life, one Experience At A Time: How to plan your first tennis tournament – MUTUA Madrid OPEN
In 2019 I discovered Nadal. The story of it is here. The story’s punchline is that even if I have lost some champions (Senna, Pele, Prince), others I can still watch live in my lifetime, giving lessons every time they
How to spend 5 days in Madrid: 10 Must Do activities
Madrid was a dream destination for me since I was little, because of Real Madrid and a story I wrote about Palacio de Cristal. So an opportunity and a 3-hour flight later, we landed at Baraja Airport in May 2022.
A special lake and true relaxation: My trip to Balaton
A huge lake in Hungary and a huge vacation destination, Lake Balaton will not disappoint. It was just a stop for us, but already it made its way on the list for another visit. Here are the things we discovered
Resort Review and Vacation in Heraklion Crete
This was a travel company package we contracted through a Romanian agency, so unlike our city tours and experiences you find on the blog, this is more of a resort review and 10 things to do and see while in
City Break Budapest: 10 Must Do Activities and Sights
Budapest is closer to us in Cluj-Napoca than my own mother is in Bucharest. And we visited at least 3 times, but never as organized as this time when we had a list of objectives, a list of foods and
A trip to Odorhei: what to do and how to enjoy 3 days in a spa and a mine
Harghita has a lot of small treasures for you to discover, but a few days at a spa above and a few hours in the salt mine below and you can truly say you’re one with nature. Odorhei: 10 reasons
What to do in Timisoara in 3 days: 10 Must Do activities
Mainly because Japan is too far away at the moment, I was surprised by my husband with a trip to Timisoara to see the cherry trees in bloom. Once there, we took one of the top 10 best tasting lunch
Life, one Experience At A Time: How to plan your first F1 race – Hungaroring 2022
Our love story with F1 is as old as we are. Since 19 years ago when we met, we started to watch it regularly together, like a ritual on Sundays. He was a Schumacher fan, I was a Senna and
Wellness retreat: 3 days with spa, forest baths and a volcanic lake
Spectacular in the winter, true cool joy in the summer, we give you a perfect location for a wellness retreat: Balvanyos Resort and Spa. Located in Covasna, near Lake Sfânta Ana (which is unique in this part of Europe as
Saxon Villages Transylvania: 10 pics and 10 reasons to visit
Treasured by locals, discovered by the world, made home by royalty and preserved as UNESCO heritage, here are some tips and tricks to enjoy the best of Transylvanian Saxon Village. Saxon Villages Transylvania: 10 reasons to visit more pics on
City Break: Constanta as a city break first, sea vacation second
You can make Constanta a city break destination and not regret it. Especially if you consider you have an old city center, the sea views close, shopping exp10 other pics on my Instagrameriences and a festival in the summer, ruins
A trip to Israel: 10 Things to Do and See
Some years ago we accepted an invitation from a dear family member and flew to Israel. It’s only under three hours away from Cluj, but the conflicts there made us postpone going. But finally, in 2019, we made the flight
A trip to Sinaia: what to do and how to enjoy 3 days at the mountain
Sinaia is a picturesque and chic little city in Bucegi Mountains. Here are some ideas for your visit and 10 pics I selected from our visit in July 2021. Sinaia: 10 reasons to visit, things to do and 10 pics